
The Lion CD of The Bible & Christianity

Description :
The Lion CD of the Bible & Christianity is a unique resource for those who wish to learn more about the rich history of the Christian faith and its cornerstone, the Bible. Covering a period spanning more than 4,000 years, The Lion CD of the Bible & Christianity will heighten your awareness and understanding of biblical archaeology, society and culture, and of the significance of the Christian faith and its global development to the present day.

The Lion CD of the Bible & Christianity brings together in a highly accessible format the text of seven major Lion reference works, extensively cross-referenced to enable you to explore a theme both in depth and with ease. Enhanced by maps, diagrams and photographs, the complete text of the Good News Bible and a full two hours of audio material, here you have at your fingertips everything you need to embark upon a fulfilling voyage of discovery.

The materials in The Lion CD of the Bible & Christianity are divided into: a series of electronic "books"; the Bible text, including Bible guides; a picture library; a glossary; and guided tours. You can begin your exploration from any one of these key entry points. In addition, a powerful Search tool has been provided to enable you to search quickly for topics of interest. You can also output articles or extracts from articles and Bible text to a built-in Notepad, to the Windows clipboard or to a printer for personal use. Graphics can be copied to the Windows clipboard and printed via a word processor, desktop publishing package or paint package.



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