
20:21 Library of Mission and Evangelism Resources on CD

Description :

The 20:21 Library puts a wealth of information at your fingertips: missiological books, bibliographies, directories, databases, papers, reports, maps and graphics brought together on a CD. This powerful software gives you quick and easy access to this invaluable information for your ministry research.

This software was designed to be simple, affordable and relevant for church leaders, missionaries, mission agencies and training centers as well as scholars worldwide. It has been tested through intensive seminars with scholars and leaders around the world.

Mission Books, Reports and Papers :

Bibles in French, German,Spanish, English, Russian, Swahili NT

Greek and Hebrew lexicons tied to the KJV Bible

Nine Bible commentaries tied to the KJV Bible

Operation World with full color maps, graphs and information on every country in the world. (Yes, you can "cut & paste" any part!)

Language Encyclopedia, incorporating:

Ethnologue (SIL global directory of 6,528 languages)

Status of Global Evangelization (SBCFMB)

Registry of Peoples & Languages (ROPAL)

Bible Translation Needs (Wycliffe)

Least Evangelized Peoples of the World

Language Mapping System (GMI)

Christian radio broadcasting data

The JESUS Film data

World Fact Book

Transfiguration of Mission

A Basic Missiological Research Guide

African Bible Guides

Collections of African proverbs

Key missions books (Herald Press, MARC)

Bibliographies :

International Review of Mission (68,000 entries)

All Nations Christian College holdings (UK)

Ida Grace McRuer Collection (Canada)

Library of Congress selections (USA)

Turner Collection on Religious Movements

Union Bibliography with 235,000 + records

Directories :

From Every People (Two-Thirds World Missions Directory)

North American Mission Handbook (MARC) 913 Organizations

GMI's Directory of Mission Information Sources

Databases :

The extensive research databases behind the MARC Mission Handbook and Operation World

Status of Global Evangelization (Foreign Mission Board, SBC)



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